Saturday 22 March 2014

Indian student builds shoe to charge mobile

Indian student builds shoe to charge mobile phone while walking

A class 12 Indian student hailing from Nainital, Rajesh Adhikari, has created a pair of shoes which lets users charge their phone while walking. The charger works on an ingenious spring and dynamo mechanism that powers the device connected to it via a simple cable. But you’ll need to walk for it to be of any use.
Or get someone to walk in your shoes. Each time you lift a foot, the spring on the underside of the shoe stretches and relaxes, and when you apply pressure on the heel while taking a step, the mechanism kicks into play. The energy generated by the setup is also capable of providing enough juice to light up a small room.
Shoe Phone Charger
Other interesting chargers for your phone:
An Indian-American teenager had won a $50,000 Young Scientist Award at the Intel ISEF 2013 Grand Awards Ceremony last year for working on a technology which would allow people to juice up their mobile devices within 20 seconds. The magic lies in high-performance super capacitors which suck up power in a jiffy and these can be hidden inside the concerned gadget’s battery itself.
Charge Phone With Shoes
The Genneo project on Kickstarter requires users to simply shake the charger, if not move around with it in tow in order to get enough energy to power up their phones. The OnBeat solar headphones, as the name clearly suggests, harnesses the might of the sun and passes it on to your thirsty handset. And then there were those charging shorts, of course.

Friday 14 March 2014

Ban Bossy

When a little boy asserts himself, he's called a “leader.” Yet when a little girl does the same, she risks being branded “bossy.” Words like bossy send a message: don't raise your hand or speak up. By middle school, girls are less interested in leading than boys—a trend that continues into adulthood. Together we can encourage girls to lead.
Pledge to Ban Bossy.


Monday 3 March 2014 is the country’s largest not-for-profit for young people and social change. We have 2.5 million members (and counting!) who kick ass on causes they care about. Bullying. Animal cruelty. Homelessness. Cancer. The list goes on. spearheads national campaigns so 13- to 25-year-olds can make an impact - without ever needing money, an adult, or a car. Over 2.4 million people took action through in 2012. Why? Because apathy sucks.